
Skip's Price Match Guarantee

Our low prices allow Skip's customers to find deals every day. However, if you find an identical product from any local or online retail competitor with a lower everyday or advertised price, we'll match it.

Your product may be eligible for a price matching if:

  1. The item is being sold by a verified local or online competitor
  2. The item from our competitor is identical to the desired item from Skip’s, including brand, style, and size
  3. The item is not shown on our exclusion list (see below)

Items are excluded from price matching if:

  1. The product is out-of-stock through Skip’s and/or the competitor
  2. The item is free or bundled
  3. The item is part of a competitor rebate, sales tax promotion, tax-free event, or buy-one-get-one free sale
  4. The item was previously purchased in-store at Skips or on Skipsboots,.com, and is now offered at a lower price through a promotion (ie. Black Friday, Cyber Monday), markdown, or close-out.
  5. The item was priced incorrectly due to a pricing error or misprint
  6. The item was purchased through a third-party marketplace seller

How to price match:


  1. Shop Skipsboots.com to find the in-stock, identical product (brand, size, item number) you'd like to price match to a competitor. See exclusions below.
  2. Contact us at 1-888-922-BOOT (1-888-922-2668) or support@skipsboots.com. Please have the competitor's website URL and item number with the competitor's lower price ready.
  3. Our Skip's customer care associate will verify the product/price is in line with our policy and complete your transaction.


  1. Find an in-stock, identical product (brand, size, item number) from a local or online retail competitor.
  2. Present a Skip's store associate with a printout, local ad, photo, smartphone display or app showing the competitor's lower price.
  3. Our Skip's store associate will verify the product is in line with our policy, and match the price on the spot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Price Match Guarantee FAQs


1. What is considered a verified local or online competitor?

A local retailer for retail store purchases is located in the same market area (within a 25-mile radius) as your local Skip’s store. An online competitor for SkipsBoots.com purchases is an online store authorized by a vendor to sell a new, factory-sealed product with a warranty. This excludes third-party marketplace sellers, auction sites or closeout/discount sites. For example, we price match items sold by Amazon.com but not by a third-party seller on Amazon.com.

2. Does an item need to be in stock to be eligible for price matching?

Yes, the item needs to be in stock from both the verified competitor and from Skip’s to be eligible for price matching.

3. Will you price match Skip’s in-store from Skipsboots.com?


4. I previously purchased my item(s) from Skip’s and now the item is selling for less. Can I price match the new price with what I previously paid?

We are unable to price match existing purchases with new prices (ie. items are on sale, discounted, or marked down).

5. How do I request a price match from a Skip’s retail store?

When making a purchase, please talk to a store associate or speak with the manager for help with your price match request. Please tell us about the lower price that is still in effect that you want the Skip’s retail store to price match. We will then review and verify the price match request.

6. How do I request a price match from Skipsboots.com?

When making a purchase, price match requests from SkipsBoots.com are handled via email, online chat or phone. Please tell us about the lower price that is still in effect that you want Skip’s to price match. We will then review and verify the price match request. By phone, call 1-888-922-BOOT (1-888-922-2668) for a SkipsBoots.com price match request.

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